A1M Junction 47 shortlisted for Highways UK Excellence Award
The shortlist for the Highways UK Excellence Awards has been released and we are delighted to see that our project A1M Junction 47, which was delivered for North Yorkshire County Council, has been shortlisted for the Major Project category.
We were the contractor alongside designer and supervisor Aecom.
This project upgraded a strategic junction on the A1M dual carriageway as well as the A59 corridor, a route used by over 59,000 vehicles daily.
As one of North Yorkshire’s key investment infrastructure projects, the scheme was designed to boost transport links, reduce journey times and increase road safety.
Works involved the:
• widening of three of the four slip roads for the roundabout to increase capacity.
• junction improvements to reduce journey times.
• installation of signals to improve traffic flow and improving safety.
• addition of a new lane to the west of junction 47, boosting traffic.
• site clearance
• modification to fencing, drainage and service ducts, earthworks, road pavements, kerbs footways and paved areas etc
• Ecology including biodiversity upgrades.
• Diversion of utility and comms services
The project brought together investment supported by the Local Growth Fund, along with contributions from the County Council, National Highways and Forward Investment.
The scheme delivered immediate, long-term positive impact, boosting transport links, reducing journey times and increasing road safety. The project has supported ongoing residential and commercial development along the A59 corridor.
Find out more about this project here and keep your fingers crossed on Wednesday 18th October.