AMP 8: Farrans appointed on Northumbrian Water’s largest ever package of framework agreements
Northumbrian Water has announced its largest ever package of framework agreements with seven new key partnerships that will underpin delivery of the company’s AMP 8 investment and beyond. Farrans Construction has been appointed to the enterprise framework for North East infrastructure work.
The new partners will provide design and construction services within the water company’s frameworks, joining the two strategic technical partners and three commercial consultants appointed at the start of 2023, as the company builds towards its £3.6bn AMP 8 workload. The awards are for up to a 12-year period, starting immediately.
Together with Northumbrian Water, the 12 partners form the Living Water Enterprise, the innovative vehicle developed to deliver those large scale construction programmes in AMP8.
Esh-Stantec, Avove Limited and Farrans Construction have been appointed to the framework for North East infrastructure work, with Costain, Mott MacDonald Bentley (MMB) and BAM Nuttall being awarded places on the Treatment North East Framework. MWH Treatment are appointed to the Essex & Suffolk framework.
While specific framework positions have been awarded, the flexible nature of the future partnership working means that contractors will be available to work across the complete programme, to ensure the best resources are used for each project.
In February, the water company appointed new technical partners, Stantec and Jacobs, as well as lead commercial consultants Turner & Townsend, with support from Aqua Consultants and Long O’Donnell Associates. This followed a competitive tender process to create eight-year frameworks.
With all 12 supply chain partners now appointed, they will join Northumbrian Water to form a highly integrated, collaborative delivery organisation which will play a key role in delivered our upcoming business plan commitments effectively and efficiently. This will consider the complete life cycle of assets to ensure smarter spending and risk-based planning for the long-term.
Alongside this total expenditure (TOTEX) approach, the group will challenge existing methods and investment choices, allowing for a greater focus on alternative options, including the potential to reduce carbon through nature-based solutions to water and wastewater treatment.
Jonny Kerr, Civils Operations Director for Farrans Construction, said: “The Living Water Enterprise is an exciting long-term relationship with our client Northumbrian Water and eleven other partners, that will deliver more effective, future-focused infrastructure solutions, cost efficiencies and a consistent, high-quality approach to customer service. We are looking forward to delivering services, in collaboration with our partners, and building meaningful relationships with our various stakeholders.
“We are proud to have a strong relationship with our client, Northumbrian Water. We are currently on site together on Project Pipeline: County Durham and Tees Valley and Barsham Water Treatment Works (WTW) delivering improvement works which will provide a resilient supply of clean water to customers for decades to come. As part of these contracts we are working closely with the neighbouring communities to have a positive, lasting impact through our social value programme which includes local jobs creation and supply chain opportunities, educational programmes and volunteering with charitable organisations. We look forward to continuing this work through AMP 8.”
Monisha Gower, Assets Director at Northumbrian Water Group, said: “The market has never been so competitive, when it comes to adding the best partners and people to our team in the run-up to AMP8. We have had to be agile and move fast, employing innovation throughout our procurement practices, and it has paid off, building our new stable of partners and creating the capacity we need for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
“Already this year, we have worked with those previously-appointed partners to start the important work of creating a strong culture, centred around collaboration, innovation, safety and wellbeing, all with a clear focus on solutions that work for customers and the environment.
“We have brought on board some of the most capable and innovative partners in our sector, each of whom will bring their energy and passion with them for the journey ahead. These partnerships aren’t just going to build more resilient services for our customers, they will build reputations and careers along the way.
“The level of integration that we will build with all of our partners requires a lot of work, and we are excited to get started.”