Farrans appointed to £1.6bn public buildings, construction and infrastructure framework
LHC, a procurement organisation formerly known as London Housing Consortium, has released a third generation of its Public Buildings Construction and Infrastructure (PB3) framework and Farrans is delighted to be one of 47 companies who have been successfully appointed to deliver the work.
The PB3 framework runs for four years from 1st October 2021 and allows local authorities, social landlords and other public sector bodies to source contractors for construction and refurbishment works, as well as associated infrastructure works.
LHC says that the framework is worth up to £750m in England, £750m in Scotland and £100m in Wales and is fully OJEU compliant.
Glenn Gilmore, Regional Director for Farrans, commented on the recent appointment:
“Farrans, having delivered over £125m worth of projects previously through this framework, is pleased to be bringing its extensive construction experience to the LHC 3 framework and we are looking forward to delivering on every lot that we applied for – including value bands £7 – £14m, £14-£25m, and over £25 million.
We are confident that this will build on our already proven track record for delivery in the local authority market across England with a number of large-scale projects recently completed. To ensure working with us through the framework is an efficient and cost-effective process delivering real added value for our public sector partners we have also appointed Suzanne Lutton, Senior Community Business Partner, as a dedicated key account manager on LHC3, who brings vast experience in client management and delivery of local authority projects. This was a highly detailed bid and we are looking forward to working with the London Housing Consortium to further enhance our presence across the region.”
Dean Fazackerley, LHC Head of Technical Procurement, added:
“Building on the success of our previous Schools and Community Buildings framework, we have broadened the scope of PB3 to allow local authorities to easily source quality contractors that will also help them to achieve low energy and zero carbon buildings and infrastructure projects.
We are pleased to have a range of regional and national contractors appointed to the framework, and with over 40% of the appointed companies being classed as an SME.”