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Farrans joins sustainability panel at W5 Belfast event for 200 students


Farrans has taken part in a sustainability event for 200+ key stage 12-14 students which was organised by W5 in Belfast.

The event was designed to give students the opportunity to discover the latest practices and principles that Northern Ireland based companies are currently using enabling us as a country to meet the environmental, social and governance (ESG) policies.

This event included a Q&A session for 60 mins which was attended by our award winning environmental team from Farrans.

In attendance were 10 other proactive companies who shared their passion and dedication to a cleaner environment and workplace.  These representatives from the sustainability community presented valuable solutions for and debated topical issues on the most pressing aspects of sustainability.  Pupils had the opportunity to network with a raft of inspiring leaders, movers, and shakers from across the entire sustainability ecosystem at a jobs fair.

Suzanne Lutton, Head of Stakeholder and Social Value said: “This was a fantastic event to be a part of and it was exciting to see the next generation of talent so motivated by what we can all do to live and think more sustainably. There are excellent career paths in this field and the jobs fair hopefully will have encouraged more students to think about these options. Construction and civil engineering is an area where there are rapid changes taking place and we need people with great ideas and new ways of thinking. At Farrans we are committed to the principles of sustainable development and to the delivery of best environmental practice. Our Environmental Strategy is delivered through the promotion of a company-wide culture that actively encourages good sustainable practice with the active involvement of our supply chain and stakeholders.”

