Farrans donates to Great North Air Ambulance Service
It was great to welcome members of the Great North Air Ambulance Service team (GNAA) to one of the sites where we are constructing a new 57km water pipeline as part of Project Pipeline: County Durham and Tees Valley for our client Northumbrian Water.
The GNAA team were there to receive a donation from key partners delivering the project, main contractor Farrans and tunnelling specialists Joseph Gallagher Group.
The two companies donated £1,000 to the Great North Air Ambulance, to help support the charity. The donation was handed over at a special event to mark the arrival of a specialist tunnel boring machine, close to the east bank of the Tees, which will create the pathway for the pipes to pass beneath the river.
The project will see the new pipeline created, connecting Lartington Water Treatment Works, in Teesdale, with customers across the south of County Durham and across into Teesside.